
Libre fonts of interest #2

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Libre fonts of interest #2

The first edition of LFoI was about essential libre fonts.

For this second edition we are here to observe that libre fonts on a massive scale are here to stay, even for trendy or sophisticated needs. Libre fonts designers come from diverse background, sometimes with a more general design role, in the same way Inter came in. Google but also brands, agencies still commissioned libre fonts. Google Workspace environment is obviously a traction. It is sometimes the endgame of publishing a libre font in the first place. Also distribution through Google Fonts API is critical in many situations.

Our goal. Why do we maintain this list?

For designers to have a handy tool for choosing libre fonts ; for type foundries owners to better know the competition, at least what could be substitutes (in a Porter matrix way) so they better angle their market approach.

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8 pages
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